Friday, February 12, 2010

We will soon have a new address

We finally did it. We purchased .27 acres of dirt in East Layton. :) We are so excited!!! It didn't quite seem real, until I called to get our loan, and I realized we have A MILLION things to get done all at the same time! Speaking of, off to the architect we go today to get our plans drawn up. So fun!


  1. Awesome!!! Someday I wanna buy dirt!

  2. Have Fun!! Choosing all the things you like will be a blast.

  3. Congrats! A house without smoke and no Carl? Hard to imagine! You'll manage somehow though!

  4. Pretty soon you will be sick of the know, everytime your kid tracks it all over the floor! You will soon have a house which means you will also need a baby to help fill it!

  5. Yeah!! We're so excited for you guys!! Doesn't it just make you feel so grown up?!

  6. YIPEE!!!! Now you can start making lots of babies to fill your house :) ... he he!

    Love You!
