Monday, March 9, 2009


What a weekend! I'm sad that it is over however. I cooked, cleaned, washed, bathed, dressed, changed, taxied, biked, and had a blast doing it all!

I was lucky to spend the weekend watching Jill's kids while her and Aaron lounge in the sun and sand of the Caribbean. Suckers. I hate them right now as I am sitting in my Basement apartment watching the snow pile higher and higher. It's March!!

Thursday night I flew down in just enough time for Jill to pick me up, pack some things, say goodbye to the kids, put them to bed, and head back to the airport. I slept all night thinking the baby monitor was going to go off at any moment. Lucky for Gracie, it didn't. Up bright and early to get the kids off to school, with time to spare I might add. Gracie and I had a blast. I love this little girl SO much! I miss my nieces and nephews so much, and this just reminded me.

Friday night Josh made it, after the longest drive of his life, he says. I think it was just because he drove straight through, like with no stops, which means he can hold it FOREVER! He says it was because he wanted to see how good of gas mileage the car could get, but I know it was because he missed me. :)

Saturday we took Gracie and Mckinley bowling, and I laughed so hard! Gracie loved every second of it, even when it wasn't her turn or her lane.... She thought it was great. McKinley kicked our butts in bowling. She even had a strike, and she was bowling between her legs!

By the time we left, I think Gracie and I were best of friends. She learned to say my name, until I got there, and didn't remember it until I gave her to Lani, and she cried and screamed my name. Talk about completely hard to resist! I cried all the way home.
I think everyone thought this would be good birth control for Josh and me. Unfortunately it was the exact opposite for me. I can't wait to have a little Gracie of my own, however, I am sure she won't look anything like this....


  1. I am so impressed Meg. Few can make it through a weekend with four kids! And to get them up and ready for school on time--way to go! Plus bowling with a two year old to boot. I bet the kids loved it!

  2. Your sister is lucky to have you. It's hard to leave your children and it helps to be able to leave them with someone you trust 100%!. My sister Brenda drove from Las Vegas to stay with mine a few years back while Lincoln and I enjoyed the beaches of Hawaii. I have never forgotten her willingness to do this and neither will Jill.

    Sounds like you had a blast too!! :)

  3. What a good little auntie! I am sure it was fun for you guys to go watch those cute girls!

  4. I'm glad you could go down and help! I'm sure that your kids will be adorable, too. Hopefully they will sleep more like you than Josh!

  5. What fun times! Can't believe Josh held it that long... he must not of had his HUGE mug with him. Maybe this means you got him to throw that nasty thing away! Here's hoping.
    We're excited to see you this weekend!!
