Josh and I decided it was time for a vacation, and after much deliberation, we decided on San Diego, CA. We also decided to leave Elliott home with Grandma! We had a really great time. We spent a lot of time on the beach, surfing, riding bikes around Coronado, and going to the San Diego Zoo. We had a really great time, and Elliott didn't even know we were gone. She was great, and Grandma is the best for always being so willing to watch her!
Easter was a fun weekend. Saturday we went to my dad's for an Easter Egg Hunt, and Elliott caught on very quickly. She also caught on very quickly to what was inside the plastic eggs. By Sunday's Easter Egg Hunt, she had figured out the quicker she could find the eggs and get them open, the slower mom was to realizing she had a whole egg-full of jellybeans in her mouth! Thanks to the Noorda's (TROY) she ate a dozen jelly beans! :) She loved it, and now begs for any candy in sight.

She is going through a fun phase. Hard, but fun. She is into everything. Wants everything, and needs constant attention. This makes my days working at home difficult, but we make it through. I am sure this is only the beginning! She loves outside, and begs to go out whenever she can. She will take your hand and lead you to the door. She will also go get her shoes (still the black velvet shoes) and her jacket so we know it is time to go out. She really likes to play in dads truck, and the dirty Civic. and likes to play in the neighbors rocks (and eat them!) She loves her swings and sandbox, but mostly the neighbors outside toys. The poor girl, I have got to get her a Cozy Coupe. She loves them!
As I am typing this, Josh is taking part in the Moab Adventure Xstream 12 Hour. It is a Kayak, Mountain Bike, Trail Run, Rappel, Trail Run again and Mountain Bike to the finish race. Unfortunately Elliott and I are at home waiting for updates from a friend. Hotels are hard to come by when there is such an event. We are so proud of our cool dad. :)