Wednesday, November 11, 2009

We have Babies!

Well, not me, but everyone I know! :)

First, Jenny and James (Josh's sister and hubby) had little Dean Thomas Kendall last week. He is so sweet. Too bad they live in Houston, so we don't get to see him for a little while.

Second, Adam & Summer Wilson (Josh's cousins) had a beautiful baby boy yesterday. Grant Thomas Wilson was born last night, weighing in at 6lbs 11oz. He weighs almost as much as his baby sister who is 5 months!

Third, Jason and Nicole Quincy are expecting a little girl almost any day, it sounds like. Wish she would hurry, because the sooner she comes, the more chances we have of seeing them at Christmas!

It is so fun to be able to be around all these babies. I love to think that they are so perfect, and have just come here from Heaven. I can't wait for my babies to come straight from their Nunn's arms to me. :)


  1. Oh to think your sweet babies will get love and advice from grandma right from the start.
    Does all this baby talk mean your getting hungry? ;)

  2. I can't wait for your little ones, either. Bring it on, I say! For you, not me of course.

  3. How did the cousins have a 5 month old and a newborn?

    And, to think of your lil' ones coming straight from Nunn's arms is so sweet!

  4. I can't wait either! Are we going to have to fight the Quincy's on who gets to babysit?

  5. We're happy you are around as well. Our kids love you. Now we're praying for you to have some of your own - actually praying for Josh to give up and let you have one of your own. Come over ANYTIME you want to get your baby fix. We have a few to go around.

  6. That is sweet to think your mom is up there with your kiddos. She is probably telling them some good stories about you.

  7. Well, it looks like the pink and brown quilt top is just going to be for your girl! I can't wait to see all these babies in person!!
